DS Long seller backed by product variety and high reliability DS RELAYS FEATURES Compliance with RoHS Directive 1. Breakthrough height of 9.8 mm .386 inch beats the 10 mm .394 inch limit 1c and 2c all have the same height (9.8 mm .386 inch). The width of the relay is also the same (9.9 mm .390 inch). Since the only size variable is the length, the shared form makes mounting on printed print...
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Технические характеристики

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Тип контактов
Номинальное напряжение катушки
Тип тока катушки
Мощность катушки максимальная
Номинальный ток коммутации
Коммутируемое напряжение DC (макс)
Коммутируемое напряжение AC (пиковое)
Рабочая температура
Размер 20×9.9×9.9 мм
Способ подключения выводов
  Примечания: Power/Signal Relay, DPDT, Momentary, 0.066A (Coil), 6VDC (Coil), 400mW (Coil), 2A (Contact), 30VDC (Contact), DC Input, AC/DC Output, Through Hole-Straight Mount
Магнитная система катушки
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Аналоги 8

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Тип Наименование Корпус Упаковка i Конфиг Uкатушки AC-DC Pупр(max) Iкомм U dc U ac Изоляция T раб Монтаж Особенности Применение Примечания Тип колодки Магнитная система Семейство Карточка
A- TQ2SS-L2-6V (PAN)
Power/Signal Relay, DPDT, Latched, 0.023A (Coil), 6VDC (Coil), 140mW (Coil), 2A (Contact), 220VDC (Contact), DC Input, AC/DC Output, Surface Mount-Straight
Power/Signal Relay, 2 Form C, DPDT, Momentary, 0.033A (Coil), 6VDC (Coil), 200mW (Coil), 2A (Contact), 220VDC (Contact), DC Input, Random, AC/DC Output, Through Hole-Straight Mount
A- AGQ200A06 (PAN)
Power/Signal Relay, 2 Form C, DPDT, Momentary, 0.023A (Coil), 6VDC (Coil), 140mW (Coil), 2A (Contact), 110VDC (Contact), DC Input, Random, AC/DC Output, Surface Mount-Straight
A- AGQ200S06 (PAN)
Power/Signal Relay, 2 Form C, DPDT, Momentary, 0.023A (Coil), 6VDC (Coil), 140mW (Coil), 2A (Contact), 110VDC (Contact), DC Input, Random, AC/DC Output, Surface Mount-Straight
Power/Signal Relay, DPDT, Momentary, 0.023A (Coil), 6VDC (Coil), 140mW (Coil), 2A (Contact), 220VDC (Contact), DC Input, AC/DC Output, Surface Mount-Straight
A- TQ2SA-L2-6V (PAN)
Power/Signal Relay, DPDT, Latched, 0.023A (Coil), 6VDC (Coil), 140mW (Coil), 2A (Contact), 220VDC (Contact), DC Input, AC/DC Output, Surface Mount-Straight
A- AGQ210A06 (PAN)
Power/Signal Relay, 2 Form C, DPDT, Momentary, 0.017A (Coil), 6VDC (Coil), 100mW (Coil), 2A (Contact), 110VDC (Contact), DC Input, Random, AC/DC Output, Surface Mount-Straight
A- AGQ210S06 (PAN)
Power/Signal Relay, 2 Form C, DPDT, Momentary, 0.017A (Coil), 6VDC (Coil), 100mW (Coil), 2A (Contact), 110VDC (Contact), DC Input, Random, AC/DC Output, Surface Mount-Straight

Файлы 1

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DS Long seller backed by product variety and high reliability DS RELAYS FEATURES Compliance with RoHS Directive 1. Breakthrough height of 9.8 mm .386 inch beats the 10 mm .394 inch limit 1c and 2c all have the same height (9.8 mm .386 inch). The width of the relay is also the same (9.9 mm .390 inch). Since the only size variable is the length, the shared form makes mounting on printed printing wiring boards easy. 2. Suitable for use in difficult environments Epoxy resin seals the parts and cut off the external atmosphere, thus enabling use in difficult environments. 3. Can be used with automatic solder and automatic wash systems Automatic soldering and automatic washing can be carried out once the parts are mounted on PC boards. 4. Gold-clad twin contacts ensure high reliability Highly stable gold cladding on the contacts ensures that contact resistance changes little over time. Furthermore, the use of twin contacts, a configuration that performs with superior contact reliability, ensures extremely low contact failure rates even under low level loads. 5. Polarized magnetic circuits realize resistance to shock and vibration High-performance polarized magnetic circuits that utilize the energy of permanent magnets have made it possible to create relays with strong resistance to shock and vibration. 6. DIL terminal array enables use of IC sockets 7. Widening scope of application with multicontact latching In addition to single side stable types, you can take advantage of the memory of functions of convenient 1 coil or 2 coil latching relays. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Besides telecommunications, measuring devices, office equipment, computers and related equipment, DS relays are also recommended for a broad range of applications including business devices, audio systems, and industrial equipment. ORDERING INFORMATION DS E Contact arrangement 1: 1 Form C 2: 2 Form C Sensitivity M: 400 mW nominal operating power S: 200 mW nominal operating power Operating function Nil: Single side stable L: 1 coil latching L2: 2 coil latching Nominal coil voltage DC 1.5, 3, 5, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48 V Nil: Standard polarity type R: Reverse polarity type Note: 1 coil latching type are manufactured by lot upon receipt of order. Reverse polarity types available (add suffix-R) ASCTB17E 201209-T Panasonic Corporation Automation Controls Business Unit industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e 73 PDF
Документация на DS1E-ML2-DC1.5V 


Дата модификации: 09.10.2012

Размер: 150.4 Кб

6 стр.

    Публикации 6

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