UMW R MAX809 Microprocessor voltage detection reset chip SUMMARY MAX809 is a voltage detection chip used for voltage monitoring of digital system power supply, which can work in industrial standard temperature range. MAX809 generates a reset signal, which goes low when the system power supply voltage drops to the set value. When the system power supply voltage returns to the set value, the c...
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Тип Наименование Корпус Упаковка i Входов Iпотр Uпорог Опции T раб Примечание Карточка
P= UIC809G-B-AE2-3-R (UTC)
P= RS809-2.93YSF3 (RUNIC)
SOT-23-3 в ленте 3000 шт
SOT-23-3 в ленте 3000 шт
Low Voltage Supervisory Circuit_Push-pull Active-low output
P= RS809-2.63YSF3 (RUNIC)
SOT-23-3 в ленте 3000 шт
P= TPV809R-3TR (3PEAK)
SOT-23-3 в ленте 10 шт
Low Voltage Supervisory Circuit_Push-pull Active-low output
24000 шт
Сигнал сброса остается активным в течение 250 мс
P- TPV809S-3TR (3PEAK)
SOT-23-3 в ленте 3000 шт
Low Voltage Supervisory Circuit_Push-pull Active-low output
A- RS806-2.93YF5 (RUNIC)
SOT235 в ленте 3000 шт Supply Voltage Supervisor with Watchdog and Manual Reset
SO-8 SOIC8 4000 шт
With Watchdog and Power-Fail Detector
High-precision detection Voltage: ±3%, Built-in Delay Circuit
A- AP0809ES3-s1 (CHIPOWN)
Сигнал сброса остается активным в течение 250 мс

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UMW R MAX809 Microprocessor voltage detection reset chip SUMMARY MAX809 is a voltage detection chip used for voltage monitoring of digital system power supply, which can work in industrial standard temperature range. MAX809 generates a reset signal, which goes low when the system power supply voltage drops to the set value. When the system power supply voltage returns to the set value, the chip will set the reset signal high after a delay time of at least 140ms. MAX809 series products can provide any set detection voltage required by customers. At present, we will provide 7 for 5.0V,3.3V,3.0V and 2.Standard industrial voltage monitoring values of four kinds of 5V power supply voltages. MAX809 provides an output stage with push-pull structure, which resets the output high level when the voltage to be monitored is higher than the set voltage value. The jitter and burr of the fast power supply transient will be filtered out by this chip, which will not cause misoperation. At the same time, even if the power supply voltage is as low as 1.0V, the normal output logic and various performance indexes can be guaranteed. MAX809 provides a compact 3-pin package SOT-23. trait Peculiarity Applied range ◆ It can work in the industrial temperature ◆ Computers, servers, notebooks, range: -40℃ to +85℃ ◆ It can work normally as low as 1V. ◆ Power supply burr interference shielding function ◆ Available in SOT-23 package ◆ Meets lead-free and RoHS requirements. modems ◆ Wireless switch ◆ embedded system ◆ Household appliances, electric meters ◆ And PDA and handheld devices. Typical application MAX809 adopts -SOT 23. Power Supply VDD MAX809 RESET GND 1 UTD Semiconductor Co.,Limited PDF
Документация на серию MAX809 

Дата модификации: 13.04.2022

Размер: 943 Кб

8 стр.

    Публикации 1

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