
LED POWER SUPPLY DATASHEET SNP100-12VF ·DESCRIPTION Super slim LED drivers,very helpful for furniture, cabinet and bathroom lighting. SELV. short circuit,overload and over temperature protection.Compliance to ERP directive,lifetime 30,000hrs. ·Input ·Output Items Conditions Request Note 200-240Vac -- Startup time Input frequency 50/60Hz -- Output voltage and precisio Input current ...
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Режим стабилизации
Тип диммирования
Исполнение конструктивное
Степень защиты (IP)
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Диапазон входных напряжений (AC)
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Количество выходов
Коэффициент мощности
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Температура рабочая
Размер 164×56.4×16.8 мм
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LED POWER SUPPLY DATASHEET SNP100-12VF ·DESCRIPTION Super slim LED drivers,very helpful for furniture, cabinet and bathroom lighting. SELV. short circuit,overload and over temperature protection.Compliance to ERP directive,lifetime 30,000hrs. ·Input ·Output Items Conditions Request Note 200-240Vac -- Startup time Input frequency 50/60Hz -- Output voltage and precisio Input current <0.50A -- Output current range Input voltage Items Ta Input power 25℃, rated input voltage, output with max. rated power Efficiency <115W -- Output voltage wave ≥ 90 % -- Output overload <0.21W average Standby 25℃, rated input voltage, output without load Inrush current 25℃, rated input voltage <75A peak PF 25℃, rated input voltage, output max. rated power ≥ 0.9 -- ·Temperate and others Item Conditions Request Note Operation temp. -- -20-45℃ -- Relative humidity -- 45%-85% -- Max. case temp. -- 90℃ -- Max.Ta,rated input voltage,output with max.rated power 30,000hr -- Lifetime Working noise 25℃,rated input voltage, output with rated power, mute box background noise<35dB, pickup 10cm distance from products Conditions Note <0.5S -- Ta, rated input voltage, output with rated power 12V±5% -- Ta, rated input voltage 0-8.33A 25℃, rated input voltage,output with max. rated power 25℃, rated input voltage,output with 2 times LED load Vp-p yes -- Ta, rated input voltage, Output current and precision output with rated power -- -- Rated output voltage range Ta, rated input voltage -- -- 25℃, rated input voltage,output with max. rated power -- Ip-p Dimming mode -- -- -- Dimming range -- -- -- Output current wave ·Mechanical, mounting Items Case material and size Conditions Plastic Mounting ways Independent Insulation type Class II IP20 -- ·Protection Items Request 150mV IP grade yes Conditions 25℃, rated input voltage,output with max. rated power Request Note -- -- Open circuit Ta, rated input voltage, no load Over load Ta, 0.94-1.06 times of input voltage, 2.0 times of rated power yes -- Short circuit Ta, 0.94-1.06 times of input voltage yes -- Over temperature Ta, 0.94-1.06 times of input voltage, temperature detected pointed more than 115 degree yes -- Over voltage Ta, 0.94-1.06 times of input voltage,output voltage is 1.5 times of rated one yes Auto recovery Over load, short circuit revocation Latch off Over heat re-start after cut off Input cables dimension terminal block Output cables dimension terminal block Output cables length Max.2 meters ·Standard Items Conditions Safety IEC61347-1, IEC61347-2-13 -- Harmonic EN61000-3-2 Class C yes -- EMI EN55015 yes -- EMS EN61000-4-2, 3, 4, 5, 6 EN61547 PDF
Документация на SNP100-12VF 


Дата модификации: 06.12.2022

Размер: 208.5 Кб

2 стр.

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