Конденсатор алюминиевый 2 В x 560 мкФ ±20%, SMD, -55...105 °C, 2000 ч
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Диаметр x Высота 7.3 мм
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Аналоги 14

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Тип Наименование Корпус Упаковка i Ёмкость Допуск Напряжение Температура рабочая Срок службы Диаметр Высота Способ монтажа Шаг ESR Импеданс Ток пульсаций НЧ Ток пульсаций ВЧ Применение Примечание Карточка
3500 шт
в ленте 3500 шт
3500 шт
3500 шт
3500 шт
3500 шт 125°C 1000h Lifetime / Low ESR
A+ 4SVPT560M (PAN)
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor, Polarized, Aluminum (solid Polymer), 4V, 20% +Tol, 20% -Tol, 560uF, Surface Mount, 3333
A+ 4SVT560M (PAN)
1000 шт Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor, Polarized, Aluminum (solid Polymer), 4V, 20% +Tol, 20% -Tol, 560uF, Surface Mount, 3333
50 шт
A+ 2R5SVPC560M (PAN)
1000 шт
A+ 2R5SVPT560M (PAN)
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor, Polarized, Aluminum (solid Polymer), 2.5V, 20% +Tol, 20% -Tol, 560uF, Surface Mount, 2626
A+ 2R5SVT560M (PAN)
1000 шт Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor, Polarized, Aluminum (solid Polymer), 2.5V, 20% +Tol, 20% -Tol, 560uF, Surface Mount, 2626
A+ 4SVP560M (PAN)
400 шт
6 шт
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor, Polarized, Aluminum (solid Polymer), 2V, 20% +Tol, 20% -Tol, 560uF, Surface Mount, 2917

Файлы 3

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Conductive Polymer Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Surface Mount Type [Low ESR products] SX series Features ● Large capacitance (560 μF max.) ● Low ESR (4.5 mΩ to 9 mΩ max.) ● High ripple current (8500 mA rms max.) ● RoHS compliance, Halogen free Specifications Series SX Category temp. range –55 ℃ to +105 ℃ 2.0 V to 6.3 V Rated voltage range Rated cap. range 82 μF to 560 μF Capacitance tolerance ±20 % (120 Hz / +20 ℃) DC leakage current I ≦ 0.1 CV (μA) 2 minutes Dissipation factor (tan δ) ≦ 0.06 (120 Hz / + 20 ℃) Surge voltage (V) Rated voltage × 1.25 (15 ℃ to 35 ℃) +105 ℃ 2000 h, rated voltage applied Capacitance change Within ±20 % of the initial value Endurance Dissipation factor (tan δ) ≦ 2 times of the initial limit DC leakage current ≦ 3 times of the initial limit +60 ℃, 90 % RH, 500 h, No-applied voltage Capacitance change of initial measurd value Damp heat (Steady state) Dissipation factor (tan δ) DC leakage current 2.0 V to 2.5 V 4.0 V 6.3 V +70 %, –20 % +60 %, –20 % +50 %, –20 % ≦ 2 times of the initial limit Within the initial limit Dimensions (not to scale) Capacitance (μF) Polarity bar (Positive) ⊕ ⊖ H Marking P P W1 W2 W2 L Lot No. R. voltage code R. voltage code Unit:V Unit:mm d 2.0 g 4.0 Series L±0.2 e 2.5 j 6.3 SX 7.3 W1±0.2 W2±0.1 4.3 2.4 H±0.1 P±0.3 1.9 1.3 ✽ Externals of figure are the reference. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 23-Apr-18 PDF
Документация на EEFSX0D561E4 

Series catalog

Дата модификации: 13.01.2022

Размер: 425.7 Кб

7 стр.

Документация на семейство SP Cap 

Products catalog

Дата модификации: 17.12.2018

Размер: 529.8 Кб

25 стр.

Conductive Polymer Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Surface Mount Type Series : SX (Low ESR Products) Features ● Large capacitance (560 μF max.) ESR (4.5 mΩ to 9 mΩ) ● High ripple current (8500 mAr.m.s. max.) ● RoHS compliance, Halogen free ● Low Specifications Series Category temp. range Rated voltage range Nominal cap.range Capacitance tolerance DC leakage current Dissipation factor (tan d) Surge voltage (V.DC) Endurance Damp heat (Steady state) SX –55 °C to +105 °C 2 V.DC to 6.3 V.DC 82 μF to 560 μF ±20 % (120 Hz/+20 °C) I < 0.1 CV (μA) 2 minutes < 0.06 (120 Hz/+20 °C) Rated voltage × 1.25 (15 °C to 35 °C) +105 °C, 2000 h, rated voltage applied Capacitance change Within ±20 % of the initial value tan d < 2 times of the initial limit DC leakage current < 3 times of the initial limit +60 °C, 90 %, 500 h, No-applied voltage 2 to 2.5 V.DC 4 V.DC Capacitance change of initial measurd value +70 %, –20 % +60 %, –20 % tan d < 2 times of the initial limit DC leakage current Within the initial limit Marking 6.3 V.DC +50 %, –20 % Dimensions (not to scale) – + H Cap. Polarity bar (Positive) P P Lot No. W1 W2 W2 L R.V. code Rated voltage mark d e g j 2 V.DC 2.5 V.DC 4 V.DC 6.3 V.DC Unit : mm Series SX L±0.2 W1±0.2 W2±0.1 H±0.1 7.3 4.3 2.4 1.9 P±0.3 1.3 ✽ Externals of figure are the reference. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 06 Mar. 2018 PDF
Документация на серию SX_SPCAP 

Series catalog

Дата модификации: 16.04.2018

Размер: 49.3 Кб

2 стр.

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