Конденсатор алюминиевый 20 В x 56 мкФ ±20%, SMD, -55...105 °C
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Ёмкость номинальная
Допуск по ёмкости
Напряжение номинальное
Температура рабочая
Диаметр корпуса
Высота корпуса
Способ монтажа
Эквивалентное последовательное сопротивление
Ток пульсаций низких частот
Диаметр x Высота 7.3 мм
Примечание 125°C 1000h Lifetime / Low ESR
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Аналоги 18

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Тип Наименование Корпус Упаковка i Ёмкость Допуск Напряжение Температура рабочая Срок службы Диаметр Высота Способ монтажа Шаг ESR Импеданс Ток пульсаций НЧ Ток пульсаций ВЧ Применение Примечание Карточка
в ленте 1000 шт
A+ 25SVPF56M (PAN)
в ленте 1000 шт High Voltage / Large capacitance
в ленте 1000 шт V-FN, 25V, 56uF, 105°C, 2000h, 5x5.8mm, ripple 160mArms, 0.7Ohm
A+ 20SVF56M (PAN)
1500 шт High Voltage, Temp and Capacitance
в ленте 1500 шт High Voltage / Large capacitance
в ленте 1000 шт
A+ 25SVF56M (PAN)
1000 шт High Voltage, Temp and Capacitance
3500 шт
A+ 25SVP56M (PAN)
1 шт
1000 шт Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor, Polarized, Aluminum (wet), 25V, 20% +Tol, 20% -Tol, 27uF, Surface Mount, 1616
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor, Polarized, Aluminum (solid Polymer), 25V, 20% +Tol, 20% -Tol, 56uF, Surface Mount, 2121
в ленте 1000 шт
1000 шт

Файлы 3

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Conductive Polymer Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Surface Mount Type [Guaranteed at 125 ℃] HX series Features ● Endurance 125 ℃ 1000 h ・2, 2.5 V : On sale ● High voltage & Large capacitance (2.0 V / 560 μF to 25 V / 33 μF) ・ 10 to 25 V : Not recommended for new design ※ Click ● Low ESR (4.5 mΩ max.) ● RoHS compliance, Halogen free here for Replacement (10 to 25 V) Specifications Series HX Category temp. range Rated voltage range –55 ℃ to +125 ℃ 2.0 V to 2.5 V, 10 V to 25 V Category voltage range 1.6 V to 2.0 V, 8.0 V to 20 V Rated cap. range 15 μF to 470 μF Capacitance tolerance ±20 % (120 Hz / +20 ℃) DC leakage current I ≦ 0.1 CV(μA) [2.0 V to 2.5 V, 2 min], I ≦ 0.3 CV(μA) [10 V to 25 V, 2 min] Dissipation factor (tan δ) ≦ 0.1 (120 Hz / + 20 ℃) Surge voltage (V) Rated voltage × 1.25 [2.0 V to 16 V], × 1.15 [20 V to 25 V] (15 ℃ to 35 ℃) +125 ℃ 1000 h, category voltage applied Capacitance change Within ±20 % of the initial value Endurance Dissipation factor (tan δ) DC leakage current ≦ 2 times of the initial limit Within the initial limit After storing for 500 hours at +60 ℃, 90 % RH 2.0 V to 2.5 V Capacitance change of initial measurd value +70 %, –20 % Damp heat (Steady state) Dissipation factor (tan δ) DC leakage current 10 V to 25 V +60 %, –20 % ≦ 2 times of the initial limit Within the initial limit : 2.0 V to 2.5 V ≦ 3 times of the initial limit : 10 V to 25 V Dimensions (not to scale) Capacitance (μF) Polarity bar (Positive) ⊕ ⊖ H Marking P P W1 W2 Lot No. R. voltage code R. voltage code W2 L Unit:V d 2.0 C 16 e 2.5 D 20 Series L±0.2 A 10 E 25 HX 7.3 Unit:mm W1±0.2 W2±0.1 4.3 2.4 H±0.1 P±0.3 1.9 1.3 ✽ Externals of figure are the reference. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 15-Jan-21 PDF
Документация на EEFHX0D471R4 

Series catalog

Дата модификации: 13.01.2022

Размер: 519.2 Кб

7 стр.

Документация на семейство SP Cap 

Products catalog

Дата модификации: 17.12.2018

Размер: 529.8 Кб

25 стр.

Conductive Polymer Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Surface Mount Type Series : HX (Guaranteed at 125 °C) Features ● Endurance 125 °C 1000 h voltage & Large capacitance (2 V.DC 560 μF to 25 V.DC 33 μF) ● Low ESR (4.5 mΩ max.) ● RoHS compliance, Halogen free ● High Specifications Series Category temp. range Rated voltage range Category voltage range Nominal cap.range Capacitance tolerance DC leakage current Dissipation factor (tan d) Surge voltage (V.DC) Endurance Damp heat (Steady state) HX –55 °C to +125 °C 2 V.DC to 2.5 V.DC, 10 V.DC to 25 V.DC 1.6 V.DC to 2 V.DC, 8 V.DC to 20 V.DC 15 μF to 560 μF ±20 % (120 Hz/+20 °C) 2 V.DC to 2.5 V.DC : I < 0.1 CV (μA) 2 minutes, 10 V.DC to 25 V.DC : I < 0.3 CV (μA) 2 minutes < 0.1 (120 Hz/+20 °C) Rated voltage × 1.25 [2 V.DC to 16 V.DC], × 1.15 [20 V.DC to 25 V.DC](15 °C to 35 °C) +125 °C, 1000 h, Category voltage applied Capacitance change Within ±20 % of the initial value tan d < 2 times of the initial limit DC leakage current Within the initial limit After storing for 500 hours at +60 °C, 90 % 2 V.DC to 2.5 V.DC 10 V.DC to 25 V.DC Capacitance change of initial measurd value +70 %, –20 % +60 %, –20 % tan d < 2 times of the initial limit 2 V.DC to 2.5 V.DC : Within the initial limit DC leakage current 10 V.DC to 25V DC : < 3 times of the initial limit Marking Dimensions (not to scale) – + H Cap. Polarity bar (Positive) P P Lot No. W1 W2 W2 L R.V. code Rated voltage mark d e A 2 V.DC 2.5 V.DC 10 V.DC Unit : mm C D E 16 V.DC 20 V.DC 25 V.DC Series HX L±0.2 W1±0.2 W2±0.1 H±0.1 7.3 4.3 2.4 1.9 P±0.3 1.3 ✽ Externals of figure are the reference. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 05 Mar. 2018 PDF
Документация на серию HX_SPCAP 

Series catalog

Дата модификации: 16.04.2018

Размер: 45.3 Кб

2 стр.

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