
Технические характеристики

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Тип преобразователя
Мощность выходная
Диапазон выходных напряжений
Диапазон выходных токов
Напряжение сети/входное номинальное
Режим стабилизации
Тип диммирования ШИМ, 0/1-10 В, потенциометр внешний
Исполнение конструктивное
Степень защиты (IP)
Подстройка выходных параметров
Диапазон входных напряжений (AC)
Диапазон входных напряжений (DC)
Напряжение изоляции вход-выход
Количество выходов
Коэффициент мощности
Функция защиты КЗ, перегрузка, перенапряжение, перегрев
Температура рабочая
Размер 189×61.5×36.8 мм
Применение для промышленного и наружного освещения
Особенности широкий вход, низкие пульсации
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Файлы 2

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65W Constant Current Mode LED Driver HVGC-65 series User’s Manual 110 M M IP65 IP67 ■ Features Wide input range 180 ~ 528VAC Constant Current mode output  Metal housing with ClassⅠdesign  Built-in active PFC function IP67 / IP65 design for indoor or outdoor installations  Function options: output adjustable via potentiometer; ■ Applications  LED street lighting  LED high-bay lighting Parking space lighting  LED fishing lamp 3 in 1 dimming (dim-to-off) ; Timer dimming  Typical lifetime>50000 hours  5 years warranty ■ Description HVGC-65 series is a 65W LED AC/DC LED power supply featuring the constant current mode and high voltage output. HVGC-65 operates from 180~528VAC and offers models with different rated current ranging between 350mA and 1050mA. Thanks to the high efficiency up to 90.5%, with the fanless design, the entire series is able to operate for -40℃ ~ +80℃ case temperature under free air convection. The design of metal housing and IP67/IP65 ingress protection level allows this series to fit both indoor and outdoor applications. HVGC-65 is equipped with various function options, such as dimming methodologies, so as to provide the optimal design flexibility for LED lighting system. ■ Model Encoding HVGC - 65 - 1050 A Function options Rated output current(350/500/700/1050mA) Rated wattage Series name Type A B IP Level IP65 IP67 AB IP65 D IP67 Function Io adjustable through built-in potentiometer. 3 in 1 dimming function (0~10Vdc, 10V PWM signal and resistance) Io adjustable through built-in potentiometer & 3 in 1 dimming function (0~10Vdc, 10V PWM signal and resistance) Timer dimming function, contact MEAN WELL for details(safety pending). Note In Stock In Stock In Stock By request File Name:HVGC-65-SPEC 2021-09-03 PDF
Документация на HVGC-65-700B 


Дата модификации: 10.09.2021

Размер: 583 Кб

9 стр.

65W Constant Current Mode LED Driver F 110 M M HVGC-65 series IP65 IP67 ■ Features Wide input range 180 ~ 528VAC Constant Current mode output  Metal housing with ClassⅠdesign  Built-in active PFC function IP67 / IP65 design for indoor or outdoor installations  Function options: output adjustable via potentiometer; ■ Applications  LED street lighting  LED high-bay lighting Parking space lighting  LED fishing lamp 3 in 1 dimming (dim-to-off) ; Timer dimming  Typical lifetime>50000 hours  5 years warranty ■ Description HVGC-65 series is a 65W LED AC/DC LED power supply featuring the constant current mode and high voltage output. HVGC-65 operates from 180~528VAC and offers models with different rated current ranging between 350mA and 1050mA. Thanks to the high efficiency up to 90.5%, with the fanless design, the entire series is able to operate for -40℃ ~ +80℃ case temperature under free air convection. The design of metal housing and IP67/IP65 ingress protection level allows this series to fit both indoor and outdoor applications. HVGC-65 is equipped with various function options, such as dimming methodologies, so as to provide the optimal design flexibility for LED lighting system. ■ Model Encoding HVGC - 65 - 1050 A Function options Rated output current(350/500/700/1050mA) Rated wattage Series name Type A B D IP Level IP65 IP67 IP67 Function Io adjustable through built-in potentiometer. 3 in 1 dimming function (0~10Vdc, 10V PWM signal and resistance) Timer dimming function, contact MEAN WELL for details(safety pending). Note In Stock In Stock By request File Name:HVGC-65-SPEC 2016-10-25 PDF
Документация на серию HVGC-65 


Дата модификации: 25.10.2016

Размер: 153.8 Кб

8 стр.

    Публикации 4

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