
DC/DC Converter B05_M-2WR3 Series FEATURES 2W isolated DC-DC converter Fixed input voltage, unregulated single output  Continuous short-circuit protection  No-load input current as low as 8mA  Operating ambient temperature range: -40℃ to +85℃  High efficiency up to 84%  I/O isolation test voltage: 1.5k VDC  Industry standard pin-out Patent Protection RoHS B05_M-2WR3 series are specia...
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A- N7803-1PV (MW)
100 шт короткого замыкания, перегрева, перегрузки
SIP87 в линейках 30 шт стандарт, функция Remote On/Off, изолированный
A- K7803-1000R3 (MORNSUN)
SIP3 в линейках 440 шт
A- K7803-500R3-LB (MORNSUN)
1 шт стандарт, SCP, Linear Regulator Replacement
A- K7803MT-1000R4 (MORNSUN)
400 шт компактный дизайн, неизолированный
A- K7803MT-500R4 (MORNSUN)
1 шт компактный дизайн, неизолированный, SCP
A- K78L03-1000R3 (MORNSUN)
SIP3 1 шт
A- SPAN02A-03 (MW)
3 шт
A- SCWN03A-03 (MW)
DIP2410 7 шт короткого замыкания, перегрузки, перенапряжения
A- SPBW03F-03 (MW)
в линейках 18 шт короткого замыкания, перегрузки, пониженного входного напряжения
A- MDS02M-03N (MW)
SIP7 24 шт
A- N7803-1C (MW)
1 шт короткого замыкания, перегрева, перегрузки
A- N7803-1CW (MW)
короткого замыкания, перегрева, перегрузки

Файлы 4

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DC/DC Converter B05_M-2WR3 Series FEATURES 2W isolated DC-DC converter Fixed input voltage, unregulated single output  Continuous short-circuit protection  No-load input current as low as 8mA  Operating ambient temperature range: -40℃ to +85℃  High efficiency up to 84%  I/O isolation test voltage: 1.5k VDC  Industry standard pin-out Patent Protection RoHS B05_M-2WR3 series are specially designed for applications where an isolated voltage is required in a distributed power supply system. They are suitable for: pure digital circuits, low frequency analog circuits, relay-driven circuits and data switching circuits. Selection Guide Input Voltage (VDC) Part No. Output Full Load Capacitive Nominal Voltage Current (mA) Efficiency (%) Load (µF) (Range) (VDC) Max./Min. Min./Typ. Max. 5 400/40 77/81 2400 9 222/22 80/84 1000 12 167/17 77/81 560 15 133/13 77/81 560 24 83/8 80/84 220 B0505M-2WR3 B0509M-2WR3 B0512M-2WR3 B0515M-2WR3 5 (4.5-5.5) B0524M-2WR3 Input Specifications Item Operating Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Input Current (full load / no-load) 5VDC input 5VDC/12VDC/15VDC output -- 494/8 520/-- 9VDC/24VDC output -- 477/8 500/-- Reflected Ripple Current* -- 15 -- Surge Voltage(1sec. max.) -0.7 -- 9 Input Filter Unit mA VDC Capacitance filter Hot Plug Unavailable Note: * Reflected ripple current testing method please see DC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific operation. Output Specifications Item Operating Conditions Min. Voltage Accuracy Linear Regulation Load Regulation Typ. Max. Unit See output regulation curves (Fig. 1) Input voltage change: ±1% 10%-100% load -- -- -- ±1.2 5VDC output -- 11 20 9VDC/12VDC/15VDC output -- 8 15 24VDC output -- 6 15 75 200 mVp-p ±0.02 -- %/℃ Ripple & Noise* 20MHz bandwidth -- Temperature Coefficient Full load -- Short Circuit Protection % Continuous, self-recovery Notes: * The “parallel cable” method is used for ripple and noise test, please refer to DC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific information. General Specifications Item Operating Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Isolation Input-output electric strength test for 1 minute with a leakage current of 1mA max. 1500 -- -- VDC Insulation Resistance Input-output resistance at 500VDC 1000 -- -- MΩ 2021.11.17-A/0 Page 1 of 4 MORNSUN Guangzhou Science & Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the copyright and right of final interpretation PDF
Документация на серию B_M-2WR3 

B05_M-2WR3 Keywords:

Дата модификации: 23.11.2022

Размер: 1.39 Мб

4 стр.

DC/DC 模块电源 B_M-2WR3 系列 2W,定电压输入,隔离非稳压单路输出 产品特点  可持续短路保护  空载输入电流低至 8mA  工作温度范围:-40℃ to +85℃  效率高达 86%  隔离电压 1500VDC  国际标准引脚方式 专利保护 RoHS B_M-2WR3系列产品是专门针对板上电源系统中需要产生一组与输入电源隔离的电压的应用场合而设计的。该产品适用于:纯数字电 路,一般低频模拟电路,继电器驱动电路,数据交换电路等。 选型表 产品型号 输入电压(VDC) 标称值 (范围值) B1203M-2WR3 B1205M-2WR3 B1212M-2WR3 B2405M-2WR3 B2415M-2WR3 B2424M-2WR3 输出 满载效率(%) Min./Typ. 最大容性负载 (µF) 400/40 75/79 2400 400/40 78/82 2400 12 167/17 80/84 560 电压 (VDC) 电流 (mA) Max./Min. 3.3 5 12 (10.8-13.2) 24 (21.6-26.4) 5 400/40 74/80 2400 15 133/13 78/84 560 24 83/8 80/86 220 输入特性 项目 Min. Typ. Max. 3.3VDC 输出 -- 140/8 147/-- 5VDC 输出 -- 204/8 214/-- 12VDC 输出 -- 199/8 209/-- 5VDC 输出 -- 105/8 113/-- 15VDC 输出 -- 100/8 107/-- 24VDC 输出 -- 97/8 104/-- 工作条件 12V 输入 输入电流(满载/空载) 24V 输入 -- 15 -- 12V 输入 -0.7 -- 18 24V 输入 -0.7 -- 30 反射纹波电流* 冲击电压(1sec. max.) 输入滤波器类型 单位 mA VDC 电容滤波 热插拔 不支持 注:*反射纹波电流测试方法详见《DC-DC(定压)模块电源应用指南》。 输出特性 项目 Min. 工作条件 负载调节率 Max. 单位 见误差包络曲线图(图 1) 输出电压精度 线性调节率 Typ. 输入电压变化±1% 10% 到 100% 负载 3.3VDC 输出 -- -- ±1.5 其他输出 -- -- ±1.2 3.3VDC 输出 -- 10 20 5VDC 输出 -- 7 15 12VDC 输出 -- 7 10 15VDC 输出 -- 4 10 24VDC 输出 -- 3 10 -- % 第 1 页 共 4 页 2022.11.01-A/3 该版权及产品最终解释权归广州金升阳科技有限公司所有 PDF
Документация на B1203M-2WR3 

B_M-2WR3 Keywords:

Дата модификации: 01.11.2022

Размер: 1.76 Мб

4 стр.

DC/DC Converter B_M-2WR3 Series FEATURES 2W isolated DC-DC converter Fixed input voltage, unregulated single output  Continuous short-circuit protection  No-load input current as low as 8mA  Operating ambient temperature range: -40℃ to +85℃  High efficiency up to 84%  I/O isolation test voltage: 1.5k VDC  Industry standard pin-out Patent Protection RoHS B_M-2WR3 series are specially designed for applications where an isolated voltage is required in a distributed power supply system. They are suitable for: pure digital circuits, low frequency analog circuits, relay-driven circuits and data switching circuits. Selection Guide Output Input Voltage (VDC) Part No. B1203M-2WR3 B1205M-2WR3 B1212M-2WR3 B2405M-2WR3 B2415M-2WR3 Full Load Capacitive Nominal Voltage Current (mA) Efficiency (%) Load (µF) (Range) (VDC) Max./Min. Min./Typ. Max. 3.3 400/40 75/79 2400 12 (10.8-13.2) 24 (21.6-26.4) 5 400/40 78/82 2400 12 167/17 80/84 560 5 400/40 74/80 2400 15 133/13 78/84 560 Input Specifications Item Input Current (full load / no-load) Operating Conditions 12VDC input 24VDC input Min. Typ. Max. 3.3VDC output -- 140/8 147/-- 5VDC output -- 204/8 214/-- 12VDC output -- 199/8 209/-- 5VDC output -- 105/8 113/-- 15VDC output -- 100/8 107/-- Reflected Ripple Current* Surge Voltage(1sec. max.) -- 15 -- 12VDC input -0.7 -- 18 24VDC input -0.7 -- 30 Input Filter Unit mA VDC Capacitance filter Hot Plug Unavailable Note: * Refer to DC-DC Converter Application Notes for detailed description of reflected ripple current test method. Output Specifications Item Operating Conditions Min. Voltage Accuracy Linear Regulation Load Regulation Typ. Max. Unit See output regulation curves (Fig. 1) Input voltage change: ±1% 10%-100% load 3.3VDC output -- -- ±1.5 Others -- -- ±1.2 3.3VDC output -- 10 20 5VDC output -- 7 15 12VDC output -- 7 10 15VDC output -- 4 10 -- % Ripple & Noise* 20MHz bandwidth -- 75 180 mVp-p Temperature Coefficient Full load -- ±0.02 -- %/℃ Short-circuit Protection Continuous, self-recovery Notes: * The “parallel cable” method is used for Ripple and Noise test, please refer to DC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific information. 2021.12.24-A/2 Page 1 of 4 MORNSUN Guangzhou Science & Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the copyright and right of final interpretation PDF
Документация на серию B_M-2WR3 

B_M-2WR3 Keywords:

Дата модификации: 24.12.2021

Размер: 1.4 Мб

4 стр.

DC/DC Converter B_M-2WR3 Series FEATURES 2W isolated DC-DC converter Fixed input voltage, unregulated single output  Continuous short-circuit protection  No-load input current as low as 8mA  Operating ambient temperature range: -40℃ to +85℃  High efficiency up to 84%  I/O isolation test voltage: 1.5k VDC  Industry standard pin-out Patent Protection RoHS B_M-2WR3 series are specially designed for applications where an isolated voltage is required in a distributed power supply system. They are suitable for: pure digital circuits, low frequency analog circuits, relay-driven circuits and data switching circuits. Selection Guide Input Voltage (VDC) Full Load Capacitive Nominal Voltage Current (mA) Efficiency (%) Load (µF) (Range) (VDC) Max./Min. Min./Typ. Max. 12 (10.8-13.2) 3.3 400/40 75/79 2400 5 400/40 74/80 2400 15 133/13 78/84 560 Part No. B1203M-2WR3 B2405M-2WR3 B2415M-2WR3 Output 24 (21.6-26.4) Input Specifications Item Input Current (full load / no-load) Operating Conditions Min. Typ. Max. 3.3VDC output -- 140/8 147/-- 5VDC output -- 105/8 113/-- 15VDC output -- 100/8 107/-- -- 15 -- 12VDC input -0.7 -- 18 24VDC input -0.7 -- 30 12VDC input 24VDC input Reflected Ripple Current* Surge Voltage(1sec. max.) Input Filter Unit mA VDC Capacitance filter Hot Plug Unavailable Note: * Reflected ripple current testing method please see DC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific operation. Output Specifications Item Operating Conditions Min. Voltage Accuracy Linear Regulation Typ. Max. Unit See output regulation curves (Fig. 1) Input voltage change: ±1% 3.3V output -- -- ±1.5 Others -- -- ±1.2 3.3V output -- 10 20 5V output -- 7 15 15V output -- Load Regulation 10%-100% load -- 4 10 Ripple & Noise* 20MHz bandwidth -- 75 180 mVp-p Temperature Coefficient Full load -- ±0.02 -- %/℃ Short Circuit Protection % Continuous, self-recovery Notes: * The “parallel cable” method is used for ripple and noise test, please refer to DC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific information. General Specifications Item Operating Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Isolation Input-output electric strength test for 1 minute with a leakage current of 1mA max. 1500 -- -- VDC 2021.09.22-A/1 Page 1 of 4 MORNSUN Guangzhou Science & Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the copyright and right of final interpretation PDF
Документация на серию B_M-2WR3 

B_M-2WR3 Keywords:

Дата модификации: 22.09.2021

Размер: 1.39 Мб

4 стр.

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