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1206 SL O W B L O W S M D FUSES R GEN R o H S Pb HF R EFE L-KLS5-1206-12T Series 1A-15A 72V-63VDC/32V-24VDC H AL O C O M P LI A N T P b-Free E340427 D e s cription L-KLS5-1206-12T are the fuses set the industry stand ard for perfor m a nc e, reliability a n d quality. The solder-fre e design provides excelle nt on-off and te m p erature cycling characteristics during use and also m a k es our S M D fuses m ore hea t and sh ock tolerant than typical sub miniatu. re fuses. Electrical C h aracteristcs 1.0In 2.0In 2.5In 3.0In R ated Current 4 ho urs mini. 1sec – 60sec 5sec m ax. 0.1sec – 3sec 1 A~3 A _ 4 ho urs mini. 3 .5A~5A 5sec m ax. 0 .1sec – 3sec 4 ho urs mini. 7 A~15 A 3.5In _ _ 5sec m ax. 10.0In 0.2 m s –20 m s 0.2 m s –20 m s 0.2 m s –10 m s A p plicatons F e atures C o m p atible with reflo w an d w av e solder C era mic and glass construction E x c ellent environ m e ntal integrity O n e ti m e positive disconn ect L e a d free and H aloge n fre e m aterial S e c o n d ary protection for sp ace constrained applications: C ell phone B attery pack Digital ca m era D V D player H ard disk drive S p e cification R ated V oltage (V d c) R ated C urrent (A) 72 72 63 32 24 Breaking C a p acity 0.18 0.4 1.1 2.5 3 79 49 230 1.7 185 2.2 3.5 4 4.5 5 37 175 2.7 33 160 3.2 28 150 4.2 22 15.5 11.5 135 6 140 120 12 18 8.0 7.0 100 90 18 30 5.9 3.8 85 45 U W 75 33 Y 10 12 - H K N O P 550 355 310 8 - M arking 485 218 133 7 - Ty pical Ty pical V oltage Pre-Arcing I²t (A²S ec)³ Dr o p ( m V) 1 1.5 2 6 - T y pical Cold R e sistance ( m O h m s)² 15 - R S X T F J V * D C Interrupting Rating ( M e asure d at rated voltage, time constant of less than 50 microseconds, battery source) * D C C old R esistance are m e asu red at <10 % of rated current in a m bient te m p erature of 25 degrees * Typical Pre-arcing I²t are m e asured at 10In Current Di m e n sio n s (Unit: m m/inch) P a d lay o ut (Unit: m m/inch) 3 .20±0.20 (0.126±0.008) 0 .51±0.25 (0.020±0.010) 0 .65+0.20,-0.15 (0.0256 + 0.008,-0.06) 1 .60±0.20 (0.063±0.008) 3 .20±0.20 (0.126±0.008) 0 .51±0.25 (0.020±0.010) 1.52 (0.06) 2 .03 (0.08) PDF
Документация на L-KLS5-1206-12T-050L 


Дата модификации: 21.04.2017

Размер: 1.07 Мб

2 стр.

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