
Технические характеристики

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Серии LED совместимые с держателями
Примечание Рекомендуемый диаметр отверстия 4.3.мм; одноэлементный держатель; защелка
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RTC-51 Housing For LED Lamp PACKAGE DIMENSIONS FEATURES z z z z z z Suitable for back panel illumination, circuit board indicator, LED indicator Recommended hole diameter: 6.5 mm Recommended panel thickness: 1 mm Housing UL rating: 94V-0 Housing material: Type 66 nylon RoHS compliant t h PACKING & LABEL SPECIFICATIONS g in g i r b K Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). 2. Tolerance is ±0.25(0.01") unless otherwise noted. 3. Specifications are subject to change without notice. PRECAUTIONARY NOTES 1. The information included in this document reflects representative usage scenarios and is intended for technical reference only. 2. The part number, type, and specifications mentioned in this document are subject to future change and improvement without notice. Before production usage customer should refer to the latest datasheet for the updated specifications. 3. When using the products referenced in this document, please make sure the product is being operated within the environmental and electrical limits specified in the datasheet. If customer usage exceeds the specified limits, Kingbright will not be responsible for any subsequent issues. 4. The information in this document applies to typical usage in consumer electronics applications. If customer's application has special reliability requirements or have life-threatening liabilities, such as automotive or medical usage, please consult with Kingbright representative for further assistance. 5. The contents and information of this document may not be reproduced or re-transmitted without permission by Kingbright. 6. All design applications should refer to Kingbright application notes available at http://www.Kingbright.com/application_notes © 2018 Kingbright. All Rights Reserved. Spec No: DSAB4429 Rev No: V.12 Date: 04/17/2018 Page 1 / 1 PDF
Документация на RTC-51 


Дата модификации: 17.04.2018

Размер: 113.2 Кб

1 стр.

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    03 ноября 2022

    8-битные микроконтроллеры с ядром 8051 – новые решения SINO WEALTH

    Китайская компания SINO WEALTH, основанная в 1994 году в Шанхае, с 2002 года занимается разработкой микроконтроллеров, микросхем управления питанием и контроллеров зарядки литиевых батарей. Используемые для этих ИС кремниевые пластины по... ...читать

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