
HP303B-F RFM210LB-S1 OOK 无线接收模块 HP303F PRECISION BAROMETER AND ALTIMETER SENSOR Key Features          Operation temperature: -40~85℃ Supply voltage: 1.7V to 3.6V Pressure range: 300mBar ~1200mBar Pressure temperature sensitivity: < 0.5Pa/K Pressure sensor precision: ± 0.005 hPa (or ±5 cm) Average current consumption: @1Hz sampling rate, Standby: <0.5 µA 8-pin LGA, 3.8 m...
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HP303B-F RFM210LB-S1 OOK 无线接收模块 HP303F PRECISION BAROMETER AND ALTIMETER SENSOR Key Features          Operation temperature: -40~85℃ Supply voltage: 1.7V to 3.6V Pressure range: 300mBar ~1200mBar Pressure temperature sensitivity: < 0.5Pa/K Pressure sensor precision: ± 0.005 hPa (or ±5 cm) Average current consumption: @1Hz sampling rate, Standby: <0.5 µA 8-pin LGA, 3.8 mm x 3.6mm x 1.2 mm Stores up to 32 pressure or temperature measurements I2C and SPI (both with optional interrupt) 3.6x3.8x1.2mm Applications         Mobile Altimeter / Barometer Industrial Pressure and Temperature Sensor System Adventure and Sports watches Weather Station Equipment Indoor Navigation and Map Assist Data loggers for pressure, temperature and altitude Panel computer Barometers Descriptions The HP303F is a miniaturized Digital Barometric Air Pressure Sensor with a high accuracy and a low current consumption, capable of measuring both pressure and temperature. The pressure sensor element is based on a capacitive principle which guarantees high precision during temperature changes. The small package makes the HP303F ideal for mobile applications and wearable devices. The HP303F result FIFO can store up to 32 measurement results, allowing for a reduced host processor polling rate. Sensor measurements and calibration coefficients are available through the serial I2C or SPI interface. The measurement status is indicated by status bits or interrupts on the SDO pin. Copyright © By HopeRF Rev1.0 | Page 1/30 www.hoperf.com PDF
Документация на HP303F 

Дата модификации: 16.06.2023

Размер: 897.2 Кб

30 стр.

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    07 июля 2022

    Беспроводные и сенсорные решения HopeRF уже на складе КОМПЭЛ

    Китайская компания HopeRF производит микросхемы и модули для беспроводной передачи данных, а также датчики атмосферного давления, температуры и влажности. Линейка продукции HopeRF для беспроводной передачи данных включает в себя как микросхемы... ...читать

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