
TECHNICAL DATASHEET PMC Panel Mount Power Supply 5V 15W 1 Phase / PMC-05V015W1AA PMC Highlights & Features • • • • • Universal AC input voltage range Power will not de-rate for the entire input voltage range Conforms to harmonic current IEC/EN 61000-3-2, Class A High MTBF > 700,000 hrs per Telcordia SR-332 Safety approval according to IEC/EN/UL 60950-1, IEC/EN/UL 62368-1 and EMI to EN...
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Типы защиты перенапряжение, перегрузка, перегрев, КЗ
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Входное напряжение AC
Размер 77×51×28 мм
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Тип Наименование Корпус Упаковка i P вых Выход U1 I1 Стабилизация Вход Конструктив Возможности Защита Выходов Управление IP U вх AC U вх DC Коэф. мощн. U изол вх-вых U изол вх-земля U изол вых-земля Применение КПД Шум T раб Примечание Карточка
A+ LM15-23B05 (MORNSUN)
1 шт КЗ, перегрузка, перенапряжение AC-DC Regulated Power Supply Module
A+ LM15-23B05-C (MORNSUN)
КЗ, перегрузка, перенапряжение AC-DC Regulated Power Supply Module

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TECHNICAL DATASHEET PMC Panel Mount Power Supply 5V 15W 1 Phase / PMC-05V015W1AA PMC Highlights & Features • • • • • Universal AC input voltage range Power will not de-rate for the entire input voltage range Conforms to harmonic current IEC/EN 61000-3-2, Class A High MTBF > 700,000 hrs per Telcordia SR-332 Safety approval according to IEC/EN/UL 60950-1, IEC/EN/UL 62368-1 and EMI to EN 55032, Class B Safety Standards CB Certified for worldwide use Model Number: PMC-05V015W1AA Unit Weight: 0.16 kg (0.35 lb) Dimensions (L x W x H): 77 x 51 x 28 mm (3.03 x 2.01 x 1.10 inch) General Description Delta’s PMC series of panel mount power supply offers a nominal output voltage of 5V, a wide temperature range from -10°C to +70°C and a highly dependable minimum hold-up time. The state-of-the-art design is made to withstand harsh industrial environments. What makes the product stands out from the crowd is high operating ambient temperature >60oC de-rate power and can withstand shock and vibration according to IEC 60068-2. The PMC series also offers overvoltage and overload protection. Using a wide input voltage range design, it is compatible worldwide. The input also includes DC operating voltage from 125-375Vdc. Best of all, this excellent design and quality does not come with a big price tag. Model Information PMC Panel Mount Power Supply Model Number Input Voltage Range Rated Output Voltage Rated Output Current PMC-05V015W1AA 85-264Vac (125-375Vdc) 5Vdc 3.0A Model Numbering PM C- 05V 015W 1 A A Panel Mount Product Type C - Enclosed Output Voltage Output Power Single Phase Delta Standard Front Face Connector 1 All parameters are specified at 25°C ambient and AC input unless otherwise indicated. (February 2021, Rev. 04) PDF
Документация на PMC-05V015W1AA 

PMC-05V015W1AA (February 2021, Rev. 04) Technical Datasheet

Дата модификации: 24.02.2021

Размер: 928.2 Кб

10 стр.

TECHNICAL DATASHEET PMC Panel Mount Power Supply 5V 15W 1 Phase / PMC-05V015W1AA PMC Highlights & Features  Universal AC input range from 85Vac to 264Vac without power de-rating  High operating ambient temperature, > 60oC de-rating power  High MTBF > 700,000 hrs. as per Telcordia SR-332  Overvoltage / Overcurrent / Over Temperature Protections Safety Standards CB Certified for worldwide use Model Number: PMC-05V015W1AA Unit Weight: 0.16 kg Dimensions (H x W x D): 77 mm x 51 mm x 28 mm General Description The new Panel Mount Power Supply is the latest offering from one of the world’s largest power supply manufacturers and solution providers - Delta. The product range offers a nominal output voltage of 5V, a wide temperature range from -10°C to +70°C and a highly dependable minimum holdup time. The state-of-the-art design is made to withstand harsh industrial environments. What makes the product stands out from the crowd is high operating ambient temperature >60 oC de-rate power and can withstand shock and vibration according to IEC60068-2. Delta’s Panel Mount Power Supply also offers overvoltage and overload protection. Using a wide input voltage range design, it is compatible worldwide. The input also includes DC operating voltage from 125-375Vdc. Best of all, this excellent design and quality does not come with a big price tag. Model Information PMC Panel Mount Power Supply Model Number Input Voltage Range Output Voltage Output Current PMC-05V015W1AA 85-264Vac (125-375Vdc) 5Vdc 3.0A Model Numbering PMC 05V 015W 1 A A PMC Series Output Voltage Output Power Single Phase Delta Standard Front Face Connector 1 All parameters are specified at 25°C ambient and AC input unless otherwise indicated. (November 2018, Rev. 02) PDF
Документация на PMC-05V015W1AA 

PMC-05V015W1AA (November 2018, Rev. 02) Technical Datasheet

Дата модификации: 06.12.2018

Размер: 974 Кб

10 стр.

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