
Cheemi Technology Co., Ltd Datasheet for Platinum Resistance Temperature sensor The temperature sensing element and technical specification of platinum heat temperature sensors are designed, and produced according to the standards of GB/T10321-2013 and Q/STB2019. H series is specially designed for customers using in high temperature zone, and the long-term stability, repeatability and accuracy ...
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P= Pt1000-H2820-AH (CHEEMI)
500 шт
P= 32208572 (YAG)
1400 шт
P= Pt1000-H2320-A (CHEEMI)
F~ Pt100-H2320-AH (CHEEMI)
500 шт

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Cheemi Technology Co., Ltd Datasheet for Platinum Resistance Temperature sensor The temperature sensing element and technical specification of platinum heat temperature sensors are designed, and produced according to the standards of GB/T10321-2013 and Q/STB2019. H series is specially designed for customers using in high temperature zone, and the long-term stability, repeatability and accuracy of components in this temperature zone meet the standard requirements. The operating temperature range is from 0 ℃ to +850 ℃, which can reach +900 ℃ in a short time. It is mainly used in instrumentation, automobile, aerospace, aviation and other fields. L series is specially designed by the company for customers who are specialized in low temperature section. The long-term stability, repeatability and accuracy of components in this temperature section meet the standard requirements. The temperature range is from -100 ℃ to +50 ℃, mainly used in chemical industry, air conditioning, aerospace, aviation, and other fields. C series is specially designed by the company for customers who have lower requirement for the accuracy (class 2B). Nominal resistance Accuracy class P/N 100Ωat 0℃ 0.15℃ (Class A) 0.3℃ (Class B) 0.6℃ (Class 2B) Pt100-H2320-A Pt100-L2320-B Pt100-C2320-2B 1000Ωat 0℃ 0.15℃ (Class A) Pt1000-H2820-A Lead wire length Packaging 10mm (white & blue version) Plastic bag/ 10mm (white & blue version) vacuum 10mm (white & blue version) 5mm (blue version) Plastic bag/ vacuum Diagram of element size is as follows: For example, the dimensions of the specified above elements are: 2.3mm long, 2.1mm wide and 0.9mm high. The information provided in the following table relates to the measured values (including but not limited to response time, long-term stability, seismic performance, insulation resistance and self heating), which are the average values obtained when testing the components of the product under laboratory conditions. The product results or measurement results of the customer or any other person in any production, test or other environment may vary depending on the specific conditions of the situation. Temperature and accuracy range: 1 Cheemi Technology Co., Ltd Tel: 025-85996365 E-mail: www. Add:N22, Xianlongwan, Xianyin South Road, Qixia District, Nanjing - China. PDF
Документация на Pt1000-H2820-A 


Дата модификации: 27.03.2023

Размер: 203 Кб

2 стр.

    Публикации 3

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