
2 ATP 03 20 V / S plug-and-play dual-channel IGBT driver 2 ATP 03 20 V / S plug-and-play dual-channel IGBT driver Preliminary Description & Application Manual Description The 2ATP0320V and 2ATP0320S are plug-and-play drivers based on the highly integrated chipset developed by AT Semiconductors. This is a set of application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) that cover the main range of f...
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2 ATP 03 20 V / S plug-and-play dual-channel IGBT driver 2 ATP 03 20 V / S plug-and-play dual-channel IGBT driver Preliminary Description & Application Manual Description The 2ATP0320V and 2ATP0320S are plug-and-play drivers based on the highly integrated chipset developed by AT Semiconductors. This is a set of application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) that cover the main range of functions needed to design intelligent gate drivers. The driver chipset is a further development of the proven technology. The basic topology of the 2ATP0320V and 2ATP0320S drivers is shown in Fig. 1. The values for the gate resistors and other key components can be found in the specific datasheets for a given IGBT module. Fig.1 2ATP0320V screwed onto a PrimePACKTMIGBTmodule Features ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Applications Plug-and-play solution Allows parallel connection of IGBT modules For 2-level, 3-level and multilevel topologies Shortens application development time Extremely reliable; long service life Built-in DC/DC power supply 20-pin flat cable interface Duty cycle 0... 100% Active clamping of Vce at turn-off IGBT short-circuit protection Monitoring of supply voltage Safe isolation to EN 50178 Suitable for 1700V PrimePACK IGBT 2ATP032V/S datasheet support@at-semi.com modules ✓ Wind-power converters ✓ Industrial drives ✓ UPS ✓ Power-factor correctors ✓ Traction ✓ Railroad power supplies ✓ Welding ✓ SMPS ✓ Radiology and laser technology ✓ Research ✓ ✓ and many others AT ELECTRONICS HONGKONG LIMITED 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1 / 15 PDF
Документация на 2ATP0320S 

Дата модификации: 30.11.2024

Размер: 1.04 Мб

15 стр.

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    19 июня 2024

    На склад поступили новые драйверы 2ATC32R производства ATS

    Китайская компания ATS выпустила альтернативы популярных драйверов для силовых модулей, которые уже доступны для заказа со склада КОМПЭЛ. Одно из самых популярных решений – полумостовой драйвер 2ATC32R P2P, представляющий собой интерфейс между... ...читать

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