
1 AT P 0 6 3 5 V / S / D plug-and-play single-channel IGBT driver 1 AT P 0 6 3 5 V / S / D plug-and-play single-channel IGBT driver Preliminary Description & Application Manual Description The 1ATP0635 are plug-and-play drivers based on the highly integrated chipset. This is a set of applicationspecific integrated circuits (ASICs) that cover the main range of functions needed to design int...
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1 AT P 0 6 3 5 V / S / D plug-and-play single-channel IGBT driver 1 AT P 0 6 3 5 V / S / D plug-and-play single-channel IGBT driver Preliminary Description & Application Manual Description The 1ATP0635 are plug-and-play drivers based on the highly integrated chipset. This is a set of applicationspecific integrated circuits (ASICs) that cover the main range of functions needed to design intelligent gate drivers. 1ATP0635 drivers are specifically designed for the reliable and safe driving of high-voltage and high-power IGBT modules from the 1200V to the 3300V voltage class. The driver concept relies on a master-slave principle that allows the safe operation of parallel connected IGBT modules. The master (1ATP0635V or 1ATP0635S) can be used as a standalone driver without a slave to drive IGBT modules without parallel connection or it can be used with one to three 1ATP0635D slaves to drive up to four parallel-connected IGBT modules. The following sections explain the basic topology of the 1ATP0635V or 1ATP0635S (master), the 1ATP0635D (slave) as well as the parallel operation of master and slave(s). Fig.1 1ATP0635Vscrewed on to a 3.3kV IGBT module Features ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Applications Plug-and-play solution Allows parallel connection of IGBT modules For 2-level, 3-level and multilevel topologies Built-in isolated DC/DC power supply (main) Fiber-optic links (main) Duty cycle 0...100% Dynamic Advanced Active Clamping Dynamic IGBT short-circuit protection Monitoring of supply voltage Monitoring of gate voltage Extremely reliable; long service life 1ATP0635V/S/D data sheet support@at-semi.com ➢ Shortens application development time ✓ Traction ✓ Railroad power supplies ✓ Light rail vehicles ✓ HVDC ✓ Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) ✓ Medium-voltage converters ✓ Industrial drives ✓ Wind-power converters ✓ Research ✓ And many others AT ELECTRONICS HONGKONG LIMITED 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1 / 17 PDF
Документация на 1ATP0635V 

Дата модификации: 24.11.2023

Размер: 945.9 Кб

17 стр.

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    19 июня 2024

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