Серия алюминиевых конденсаторов SVPG_OSCON

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Документация на серию SVPG_OSCON

Conductive Polymer Aluminum Solid Capacitors Surface Mount Type Series : SVPG Features ● Low profile (Height 4.5 mm max.) ESR (8 mΩ to 30 mΩ) ● RoHS compliance, Halogen free ● Low Specifications Size code Category temperature range Rated voltage range Rated capacitance range Capacitance tolerance Leakage current Dissipation factor (tan d) Endurance Damp heat (Steady State) B45 C8 –55 °C to +105 °C C10 16 V.DC to 25 V.DC 15 µF to 47 µF 16 V.DC 270 µF ±20 % (120 Hz / + 20 °C) Please see the attached characteristics list Please see the attached characteristics list +105 °C, 5000 h, rated voltage applied Capacitance change Within ±20 % of the initial value tan d < 150 % of the initial limit DC leakage current Within the initial limit +60 °C, 90 % to 95 %, 1000 h, No-applied voltage Capacitance change Within ±20 % of the initial value tan d < 150 % of the initial limit DC leakage current Within the initial limit (after voltage processing) Marking Dimensions (not to scale) 0.2 max. W H fD Polarity marking (−) Lot. No. Series + L R. Capacitance Size code fD±0.5 R. Voltage B45 C8 C10 5.0 6.3 6.3 C P – L +0.1 −0.4 4.4 7.9 9.9 R W±0.2 H±0.2 C±0.2 5.3 6.6 6.6 5.3 6.6 6.6 6.0 7.3 7.3 Unit : mm R P±0.2 0.6 to 0.8 0.6 to 0.8 0.6 to 0.8 1.4 2.1 2.1 ✽ Externals of figure are the reference. Characteristics list Rated Rated Series voltage capacitance (V.DC) (µF) Case size (mm) 47 16 SVPG 20 25 270 33 15 NEW fD L 5.0 6.3 6.3 5.0 5.0 4.4 7.9 9.9 4.4 4.4 Size code B45 C8 C10 B45 Specifications Ripple ✽1 ESR ✽2 current tan d ✽3 (mΩ max.) (mAr.m.s.) 3200 25 0.12 5080 10 0.12 5800 8 0.12 3000 27 0.12 2800 30 0.12 ✽4 LC (µA) 150 864 864 132 75 Standard (Reel size : f380) Min. Packaging Q'ty Part number (pcs) 16SVPG47M 2500 16SVPG270MX 900 16SVPG270M 500 20SVPG33M 2500 25SVPG15M 2500 ✽1 Ripple current (100 kHz/ +105 °C ), ✽2 ESR (100 kHz to 300 kHz/+20 °C) ✽3 tan d (120 Hz/+20 °C) ✽4 After 2 minutes ◆ Please refer to each page in this catarog for “Reflow conditions” and “Taping specifications”. Frequency correction factor for ripple current Frequency Coefficient 120 Hz < f < 1 kHz 0.05 1 kHz < f < 10 kHz 0.3 10 kHz < f < 100 kHz 0.7 100 kHz < f < 500 kHz 1 Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 02 Nov. 2017 PDF
Документация на серию SVPG_OSCON 


Дата модификации: 27.03.2019

Размер: 201 Кб

2 стр.

Документация на семейство OSCON 

Products catalog

Дата модификации: 28.01.2019

Размер: 1.3 Мб

48 стр.

    Товары серии SVPG_OSCON

    Наименование i Упаковка Ёмкость Напряжение Диаметр Высота ESR Ток пульсаций НЧ Размер
    16SVPG270M (PAN)
    в ленте 500 шт 6.3×6.3×6.6 мм
    16SVPG270MX (PAN)
    900 шт 6.3×6.3×6.6 мм
    16SVPG47M (PAN)
    в ленте 2500 шт 5×5×5.3 мм
    20SVPG33M (PAN)
    2500 шт 5×5×5.3 мм
    25SVPG15M (PAN)
    2500 шт 5×5×5.3 мм