Серия LED-драйверов LPV-20


Общие характеристики

Раздел LED-драйверы
Тип преобразователя
Мощность выходная
Напряжение сети/входное номинальное
Режим стабилизации
Тип диммирования
Исполнение конструктивное
Степень защиты (IP)
Подстройка выходных параметров
Диапазон входных напряжений (AC)
Диапазон входных напряжений (DC)
Напряжение изоляции вход-выход
Количество выходов
Функция защиты КЗ, перегрузка, перенапряжение
Температура рабочая
Размер 118×35×26 мм

Документация на серию LPV-20

L P V- 2 0 20W Single Output Switching Power Supply ■ Features : Constant voltage design Universal AC input / Full range Withstand 300VAC surge input for 5 seconds Protections: Short circuit / Over load / Over voltage Cooling by free air convection Small and compact size Fully encapsulated with IP67 level (Note.7) Fully isolated plastic case Class Ⅱ power unit, no FG Class 2 power unit Pass LPS Suitable for LED related fixture or appliance series User’s Manual (such as LED Decoration or Advertisement devices)(Note.11) 100% full load burn-in test Low cost, high reliability 2 years warranty LPS IP67 SPECIFICATION MODEL OUTPUT LPV-20-5 LPV-20-12 LPV-20-15 LPV-20-24 DC VOLTAGE 5V 12V 15V 24V RATED CURRENT 3A 1.67A 1.33A 0.84A CURRENT RANGE 0 ~ 3A 0 ~ 1.67A 0 ~ 1.33A 0 ~ 0.84A RATED POWER 15W 20W 20W 20.2W 120mVp-p 120mVp-p 150mVp-p 83% 83% RIPPLE & NOISE (max.) Note.2 80mVp-p VOLTAGE TOLERANCE Note.3 ±5.0% LINE REGULATION ±1.0% LOAD REGULATION SETUP, RISE TIME ±2.0% Note.6 500ms, 20ms / 230VAC HOLD UP TIME (Typ.) VOLTAGE RANGE INPUT 50ms/230VAC Note.4 90 ~ 264VAC EFFICIENCY (Typ.) 77% AC CURRENT (Typ.) INRUSH CURRENT(Typ.) 0.55A/115VAC 0.35A/230VAC COLD START 70A(twidth=215μs measured at 50% Ipeak) at 230VAC MAX. No. of PSUs on 16A CIRCUIT BREAKER 8 units (circuit breaker of type B) / 14 units (circuit breaker of type C) at 230VAC OVER LOAD OVER VOLTAGE WORKING TEMP. WORKING HUMIDITY ENVIRONMENT STORAGE TEMP., HUMIDITY TEMP. COEFFICIENT VIBRATION 0.25mA / 240VAC 110 ~ 150% rated output power Protection type : Hiccup mode, recovers automatically after fault condition is removed 5.75 ~ 6.75V 13.8 ~ 16V 17.5 ~ 21V 28 ~ 32V Protection type : Shut off o/p voltage, clamping by zener diode -30 ~ +70℃ (Refer to "Derating Curve") 20 ~ 90% RH non-condensing -40 ~ +80℃, 10 ~ 95% RH ±0.03%/℃ (0 ~ 50℃) 10 ~ 500Hz, 2G 10min./1cycle, period for 60min. each along X, Y, Z axes SAFETY STANDARDS UL879, UL1310, CSA C22.2 No. 207-M89,CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 223-M91,IEC/BS EN/EN 62368-1, EAC TP TC 004, IP67 approved I/P-O/P:3KVAC I/P-O/P:>100M Ohms / 500VDC / 25℃/ 70% RH Compliance to BS EN/EN55032 (CISPR32) Class B, BS EN/EN61000-3-2 Class A, BS EN/EN61000-3-3, EAC TP TC 020 ISOLATION RESISTANCE EMC EMISSION EMC IMMUNITY DIMENSION PACKING NOTE 81% WITHSTAND VOLTAGE MTBF OTHERS 127 ~ 370VDC 47 ~ 63Hz PROTECTION EMC 500ms, 20ms / 115VAC at full load 16ms/115VAC at full load FREQUENCY RANGE LEAKAGE CURRENT SAFETY & Bauar t gepruft Sicherheit egel ma ge od o s be wac g www.tuv.com ID 2000000000 Compliance to BS EN/EN61000-4-2,3,4,5,6,8,11, BS EN/EN55024, light industry level, criteria A,EAC TP TC 020 786.5Khrs min. MIL-HDBK-217F (25℃) 118*35*26mm (L*W*H) 0.22Kg; 60pcs/14.2Kg/0.72CUFT 1. All parameters NOT specially mentioned are measured at 230VAC input, rated load and 25℃ of ambient temperature. 2. Ripple & noise are measured at 20MHz of bandwidth by using a 12" twisted pair-wire terminated with a 0.1uf & 47uf parallel capacitor. 3. Tolerance : includes set up tolerance, line regulation and load regulation. 4. Derating may be needed under low input voltage. Please check the static characteristics for more details. 5. The power supply is considered as a component that will be operated in combination with final equipment. Since EMC performance will be affected by the complete installation, the final equipment manufacturers must re-qualify EMC Directive on the complete installation again. 6. Length of set up time is measured at first cold start. Turning ON/OFF the power supply may lead to increase of the set up time. 7. Suitable for indoor use or outdoor use without direct sunlight exposure. Please avoid immerse in the water over 30 minute. 8. The ambient temperature derating of 3.5℃/1000m with fanless models and of 5℃/1000m with fan models for operating altitude higher than 2000m(6500ft). 9. Products sourced from the Americas regions may not have the TUV/BIS/CCC logo. Please contact your MEAN WELL sales for more information. 10. For any application note and IP water proof function installation caution, please refer our user manual before using. https://www.meanwell.com/Upload/PDF/LED_EN.pdf 11. This product is not intended for LED lighting luminaire applications in the EU.(In the EU the LPF/NPF/XLG series are recommended.) 12. To fulfill requirements of latest ErP regulation for lighting luminaires, this LED Driver can only be used behind a switch without permanently connected to mains. ※ Product Liability Disclaimer:For detailed information, please refer to https://www.meanwell.com/serviceDisclaimer.aspx File Name:LPV-20-SPEC 2021-09-03 PDF
Документация на LPV-20-5 


Дата модификации: 03.09.2021

Размер: 74.6 Кб

2 стр.

L P V- 2 0 20W Single Output Switching Power Supply ¡¡E¡½ E ¡E ¡E ¡E ¡E ¡E ¡E ¡E ¡E ¡E ¡E ¡E ¡E ¡ E series Features : Constant voltage design Universal AC input / Full range Withstand 300VAC surge input for 5 seconds Protections: Short circuit / Overload / Over voltage Cooling by free air convection Small and compact size Fully encapsulated with IP67 level (Note.7) Fully isolated plastic case Class power unit, no FG Class 2 power unit Pass LPS Suitable for LED lighting and moving sign applications 100% full load burn-in test Low cost, high reliability 2 years warranty ¢º LPS IP67 SPECIFICATION MODEL OUTPUT LPV-20-5 LPV-20-12 DC VOLTAGE 5V 12V 15V 24V RATED CURRENT 3A 1.67A 1.33A 0.84A CURRENT RANGE 0 ~ 3A 0 ~ 1.67A 0 ~ 1.33A 0 ~ 0.84A RATED POWER 15W 20W 20W 20.2W 120mVp-p 120mVp-p 150mVp-p 83% 83% RIPPLE & NOISE (max.) Note.2 80mVp-p VOLTAGE TOLERANCE Note.3 LINE REGULATION LOAD REGULATION SETUP, RISE TIME Note.6 500ms, 20ms / 230VAC 50ms/230VAC HOLD UP TIME (Typ.) VOLTAGE RANGE INPUT Note.4 90 ~ 264VAC FREQUENCY RANGE 47 ~ 63Hz EFFICIENCY (Typ.) 77% AC CURRENT (Typ.) INRUSH CURRENT(max.) 0.55A/115VAC LEAKAGE CURRENT OVERLOAD PROTECTION OVER VOLTAGE WORKING TEMP. WORKING HUMIDITY ENVIRONMENT STORAGE TEMP., HUMIDITY TEMP. COEFFICIENT VIBRATION SAFETY & EMC 500ms, 20ms / 115VAC at full load 16ms/115VAC at full load 127 ~ 370VDC 81% 0.35A/230VAC £g COLD START 70A(twidth=215 s measured at 50% Ipeak) at 230VAC 0.25mA / 240VAC 110 ~ 150% rated output power Protection type : Hiccup mode, recovers automatically after fault condition is removed 5.75 ~ 6.75V 13.8 ~ 16V 17.5 ~ 21V 28 ~ 32V Protection type : Shut off o/p voltage, clamping by zener diode -30 ~ +70 ¢J (Refer to "Derating Curve") 20 ~ 90% RH non-condensing ¢J, 10 ~ 95% RH ¡Ó0.03%/¢J (0 ~ 50¢J) -40 ~ +80 10 ~ 500Hz, 2G 10min./1cycle, period for 60min. each along X, Y, Z axes UL879, UL1310, CSA C22.2 No. 207-M89, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 223-M91, IP67 approved ; design refer to TUV EN60950-1 WITHSTAND VOLTAGE I/P-O/P:3KVAC I/P-O/P:>100M Ohms / 500VDC / 25 / 70% RH Compliance to EN55022 (CISPR22) Class B, EN61000-3-2 Class A, EN61000-3-3 ISOLATION RESISTANCE EMC EMISSION EMC IMMUNITY DIMENSION PACKING NOTE LPV-20-24 SAFETY STANDARDS MTBF OTHERS ¡Ó5.0% Ó¡ 1.0% Ó¡ 2.0% LPV-20-15 ¢J Compliance to EN61000-4-2,3,4,5,6,8,11, EN55024, light industry level, criteria A 786.5Khrs min. MIL-HDBK-217F (25 ) 118*35*26mm (L*W*H) 0.22Kg; 60pcs/14.2Kg/0.62CUFT ¢J ¢J 1. All parameters NOT specially mentioned are measured at 230VAC input, rated load and 25 of ambient temperature. 2. Ripple & noise are measured at 20MHz of bandwidth by using a 12" twisted pair-wire terminated with a 0.1uf & 47uf parallel capacitor. 3. Tolerance : includes set up tolerance, line regulation and load regulation. 4. Derating may be needed under low input voltage. Please check the static characteristics for more details. 5. The power supply is considered as a component that will be operated in combination with final equipment. Since EMC performance will be affected by the complete installation, the final equipment manufacturers must re-qualify EMC Directive on the complete installation again. 6. Length of set up time is measured at first cold start. Turning ON/OFF the power supply may lead to increase of the set up time. 7. Suitable for indoor use or outdoor use without direct sunlight exposure. Please avoid immerse in the water over 30 minute. File Name:LPV-20-SPEC 2012-12-26 PDF
Документация на серию LPV-20 

LPV-20.cdr Keywords:

Дата модификации: 09.01.2013

Размер: 69.1 Кб

2 стр.

    Товары серии LPV-20

    Наименование i Упаковка Напряжение выходное Ток выходной Эффективность
    LPV-20-12 (MW)
    AC-DC сетевой преобразователь - P вых: 20 Вт; Выход: 12 В; U1: 12 В; I1: 1.67 А; Стабил... в коробках 60 шт
    LPV-20-15 (MW)
    AC-DC сетевой преобразователь - P вых: 20 Вт; Выход: 15 В; U1: 15 В; I1: 1.33 А; Стабил... 1 шт
    LPV-20-24 (MW)
    AC-DC сетевой преобразователь - P вых: 20 Вт; Выход: 24 В; U1: 24 В; I1: 840 мА; Стабил... в коробках 30 шт
    LPV-20-5 (MW)
    AC-DC источник питания: мощность 15 Вт, выходное напряжение 5 В, ток 3 А, входное напря... в коробках 60 шт