Серия LED-драйверов P1H-320

Общие характеристики

Раздел LED-драйверы
Тип преобразователя
Мощность выходная
Диапазон выходных напряжений
Диапазон выходных токов
Напряжение сети/входное номинальное
Режим стабилизации
Тип диммирования
Исполнение конструктивное
Степень защиты (IP)
Подстройка выходных параметров
Диапазон входных напряжений (AC)
Напряжение изоляции вход-выход
Коэффициент мощности
Функция защиты
Температура рабочая
Размер 285×85×50 мм
Особенности широкий вход, низкие пульсации

Документация на серию P1H-320

P1H Series - 320W Off-line Programmable Driver Product Features ● Input voltage range: 249~528Vac; ● Constant power design, output current programming adjustable; ● 3-in-1 dimmable: 0~10Vdc, PWM, Timer dimming. Dim-to-off; ● Constant lumen output; ● Auxiliary power supply: 12V/200mA; ● Surge protection: 4KV line-line, 6KV line-earth; ● Protections: SCP, OVP, OTP; ● IP67 design for indoor and outdoor applications; ● Suitable for dry / damp / wet locations; ● 5 years warranty. Application ● Suitable for horticulture lighting, high power lighting. DESCRIPTION The P1H-320W series is 320W outdoor offline programmable LED driver that operates in constant current with high PF value and universal input voltage range 249~528Vac. Offline Monitored by dimming cable connected with a USB kit programming device, the fully programmed drivers offer all dimming, dim-to-off, constant lumen output options and a wide range of output current in a single driver, which deliver maximum flexibility with customized operating settings and intelligent control options for lighting manufacturers, as one driver can be programmed for many different luminaire designs. The P1H-320W series provides built-in timer dimming schedules further increasing the energy savings and CO2 reductions achieved with LED lighting. It also helps clients to improve the management of logistics and stock. The compact metal case and high efficiency enables the driver to operate with high reliability, and extend product lifetime. Overall protection is provided against lightning surge, output over-voltage, short circuit, and over-temperature to ensure low failure rate. MODELS Model Number [1] Max Output Power (W) Output Voltage Range (Vdc) Full Power Output Voltage Range (Vdc) Full Power Current Adjustable Range (A) [2] Default Output Current Setting(A) Typical Efficiency [3] Typical PF P1H-320M056A12 320 30-54 51.3-54 5.93-6.25 51.2V/6.25A 94% 0.95@480Vac Notes: [1]. A12 means the driver with 12V/200mA auxiliary power supply. [2]. Output current adjustable range with constant power at max output power. [3]. All specifications are measured at 25℃ ambient temperature, input voltage 480Vac, and under full load, if there is no specific note. Page 1 / 10 www.mosopower.com Tel:+86-755-27657000 Email:info@mosopower.com Form No.: FP-10-017RevA /1.0 PDF
Документация на серию P1H-320 

P1H-320M056A12 datasheet en-20210730

Дата модификации: 05.08.2022

Размер: 515.2 Кб

10 стр.

    Товары серии P1H-320

    Наименование i Упаковка
    P1H-320M056 (MOSO)
    P1H-320M056A12 (MOSO)

    P1H-320 публикации

    12 февраля 2024

    Мощные LED-драйверы MOSO для тепличных хозяйств

    Игорь Елисеев (г. Химки) Возможность внешнего или программного управления, а также надежная герметизация элементов для защиты от повышенной влажности – основные свойства мощных LED–драйверов MOSO для сельскохозяйственных теплиц. Надежность... ...читать