Серия аккумулятора никель-металлогидридного (Ni-Mh) NH-4/5A2150

Общие характеристики

Раздел Аккумуляторы никель-металлогидридные (Ni-Mh)
Напряжение номинальное
Ёмкость номинальная
Тип выводов
Сопротивление внутреннее
Размер 16.5×16.5×42 мм

Документация на серию NH-4/5A2150

EEMB BATTERY NH- - 4 / 5 A 215 0 Brief datasheet Nickel M et al H y d r i d e Ba tter y 3 Electrical Characteristics 1 Dimension NH-4/5A2150 Typical Charge Characteristics 1.6 0.5C Voltage(V) 42.0 0.3 1.5 0.1C 1.4 1.3 1.2 0.1C charging current:215mA for 16hrs 0.5C charging current: 1075mA to - V=10mV cut off 1.1 1.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 16.5 0.2 Capacity(%) Unit: mm NH-4/5A2150 Typical Discharge Characteristics 1.6 2 Basic Specification Nominal Capacity* 1.2V Typical 2150mAh (0.2C discharge) Minimum 2100mAh (0.2C discharge) Standard 215mA for 16hrs Fast 1075mA for Apr. 150 mins Voltage(V) Nominal Voltage 215mA charge for 16hrs Discharge to 1.0V 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 0.2C 1.1 1C 1.0 ≤28mohms Life Cycles 500 cycles Operation Temperature Internal Impedance Charge Discharge 1.5 -10 C to 50 C 1.4 -10 C to 30 C <3month -10 C to 40 C Discharge cut-off voltage Weight 10 C to 40 C <1year 1.0V 20 40 60 80 100 120 Capacity(%) Standard 0 C to 40 C Fast Storage 0 Voltage(V) Charge NH-4/5A2150 Typical Discharge Characteristics At Different Temperature Charge: 0.5C(- V=10mV) 20 C Discharge: 0.2C(E. V. 1.0V) 1.3 1.2 0C 20 C 1.1 -20 C 1.0 40 C 0.9 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Capacity(%) Approx.35g Note:*Typical values relative to cells stored for less than 3 months or less at 30℃ max. *After charging at 0.1C for 16 hours. *We recommend cells or batteries are charged once every 3 months. N i -MH Note: Any representations in this brochure concerning performance, are for informational purposes only and are not construed as warranties either expressed or implied, of future performance. Http://eemb.com Global@eemb.com PDF
Документация NH-4-5A2150 


Дата модификации: 30.11.-1

Размер: 40.5 Кб

1 стр.

    Товары серии NH-4/5A2150

    Наименование i Упаковка
    NH-4/5A2150 (EEMB)