
Technical Specification ENERGY VERY ENDURE SPC1550 Super Pulse Battery Capacitor 1. Scope This data sheet describes the mechanical design and performance of EVE (Super Pulse Battery Capacitor)model SPC1550, optimized for extreme temperatures, used in an ER+ SPC battery system . 4. 6 Shelf life Shelf life at different storage temperature to 80% of initial capacity. SPC1 550 Temp erature 2 ....
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Тип Наименование Корпус Упаковка i Напряжение Ёмкость ESR Монтаж Шаг Траб Примечания Карточка
1 шт Super Pulse Capacitor cell. Applicable with lithium battery for pulse mode

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Technical Specification ENERGY VERY ENDURE SPC1550 Super Pulse Battery Capacitor 1. Scope This data sheet describes the mechanical design and performance of EVE (Super Pulse Battery Capacitor)model SPC1550, optimized for extreme temperatures, used in an ER+ SPC battery system . 4. 6 Shelf life Shelf life at different storage temperature to 80% of initial capacity. SPC1 550 Temp erature 2 . Key features 1 year RT ◆High power capacity ◆Delivering high current pulses ◆Long operating life ◆Wide operating temperature range ◆Extremely low self - discharge ◆High security and reliability 3. Mechanical characteristics 60℃ 2 we eks 80℃ 1 we ek 4.7 Number of charge-discharge cycles to 80% of initial capacity Length 50. 5 mm. Max Diameter 15.1 mm. max Weight 20.2 gr. max 4. Electrical characteristics 4.1 Nominal voltage:3.6V (3.9V Max) 4.2 Discharge 4. 2.1 Nominal capacity( RT) When charged to 3.67V: 640 A*sec (100mA discharge to 3.0V) Discharge below 2.5V at RT and discharge below 2.0V at -40℃ may increase the SPC internal impedance. 4. 2.2 Maximum discharge current Continuous: 2.0A Pulse: 5.0A 4.3 Charge (constant current) Max. charge voltage: 3.95 V Max. charge current: 100mA 4.4 Internal impedance ≤80 mOhm (RT @ 1kHz) 4.5 Self discharge in ER+SPC battery at RT: 3 μA at 80℃: 15 μA 5 Temperature range Test Item 100% DOD 10% DOD 1% DOD 2000 20000 200000 1000 8000 80000 Charge to 3.67V Charge to 3.90V DOD: Depth of Discharge 4. 8 Safety tests The SPC successfully passed the following tests: ■ ■ ■ ■ Short circuit at RT and 55℃ Compression Impact Overcharge Warning : ● The SPC1550 is designed for use in a ER+SPC battery system or in low charge current as specified only. ● The SPC1550 may explode or violently vent if over-charge above 4.4V. ● Do not charge the SPC1550 higher than 4.1 V, over discharge, short circuit, heat above 100℃, incinerate or expose content to water. ● Charging the SPC1550 at above 3.95 V may lead to capacity loss and / or internal impedance rise. SPC1550 used independently In ER+SPC battery system -40℃ to 85℃ -40℃ to 85℃ Storage Temperature -30℃ to 60℃ -30℃ to 60℃ Email: sales@evebattery.com High temperature exposure Shock and Vibration Nail penetration Forced discharge EVE Capacitors performed the tests according to UL 1642 specification for lithium batteries. Lithium content of SPC1550 is less than 0.1 gr., It is not restricted for air transportation. Operating Temperature http://www. evebattery.com ■ ■ ■ ■ Latest version can be downloaded from the EVE website SPC1550 2017.01 PDF
Документация на SPC1550 


Дата модификации: 01.01.1970

Размер: 179 Кб

2 стр.

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    25 октября 2023

    Гибридный источник питания ER + SPC от EVE для промышленных систем учета

    Чтобы работа IoT–приборов учета была исправной и долговечной, важно подобрать правильный источник тока. Компания EVE предлагает решение в виде гибридного источника питания ER + SPC, состоящего из параллельно соединенных... ...читать

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